Normally, one of the things that gives couples the most headaches is the choice of wedding details for the guests, since, after all, it will be one of the most tangible memories that the guests will have of that day, and we all want to choose the most ideal.

Finding a detail that is original, beautiful and useful at the same time is not easy, and for this reason we will give you some ideas that we hope will help you.

A detail that decorates

A very successful option is to use the same detail as a placeholder or as a complement to the table decoration. Specifically, the detail of the placemark can be a success since this way the detail is personalized and the guests will have the feeling that you have taken each one of them into account.

On the other hand, leaving the details of the guests in their place on the table will also facilitate and speed up the delivery of the details themselves.

detalls de boda

Let each guest choose their wedding detail

It can be created as a small atelier where the guests can pick up the one they want. In this way, you can have several wedding details and that each person has the option of choosing the one they like the most.


Now, if you still haven’t finished convincing yourself and you haven’t quite clear what wedding gift you would like to give to your guests, we are lucky that today we find many web pages where you can buy original gifts, cheaply and personalized . One recommendation that we make is to look for something that identifies you, whether it is related to the area in which you live, with your hobbies or even with your pets. In this case, from the wedding catering in Tarragona by the hand of our Wedding Planner we can always help you with the decision and even advise different options.


Here we leave you our favorite ideas for your wedding details:

  • The name of each guest made of wood and with a magnet behind.

  • A small bottle of a drink or a typical product from your area: rice liqueur, Chartreuse, oil, limoncello, homemade jam or craft beer.

  • A natural plant that will give color to the table and guests can put at home as decoration.
  • An atelier of hats, hats and fans can be the ideal antidote for the hottest days and it is also a detail that your guests will take advantage of on future occasions.
  • For the little ones, a kit to paint with colored pencils, this wedding detail is a sure hit, which we are almost sure they will end up using during the event.
detalls de boda
detalles de boda

We hope these ideas have helped you if you are looking for wedding details for your guests. If you are organizing your wedding and need help, do not hesitate to contact us! We also have a Wedding Planner service in Tarragona, with which we can accompany you throughout the process and especially on D-Day.